Monday, October 1, 2007


After four years (almost four) of my sister living in Germany, I have finally made it over here. I'm only on day 4 of my journey, already spending some time in Reykjavik, Frankfurt and Etville. Tonight I'm on my way to Hamburg to visit a friend who has been studying there for the past couple months. I'm a little peeved that I haven't brought my USB cable because some of the pictures that I have taken are fantastic if I do say so myself.

Some highlights:
*Reykjavik as a whole- the people are fantastic, very courteous and helpful. Reykjavik was a beautiful, eclectic city architecturally. It would have been nice to have spent one more day there but in the 23 hours on that little island, I learned a lot more than I thought I would have. I highly recommend Iceland for what I saw and for what I did not see: picturesque waterfalls, glaciers, puffins are all within a few hours of the capital city. I would love to come back and spend some time outside of the city. One thing that was a bit of a bummer was how expensive everything was-- extremely expensive, 10-dollar beer expensive. Oh well, it was a great time.

*My sister met me at the airport in Frankfurt early afternoon on Saturday, and we immediately hopped on a train to get to her area of town (which is completely fantastic, loaded with little shops, and restaurants and every Saturday there is a street fair for blocks) I helped her pick out a new coffee table. I think the table rocks but the sis is still undecided... we may have to try to return the table to the street fair next Saturday.

*Met up with my sister's friend for dinner after taking a long, long walk along the river. The weather so far has been beautiful- an average of 60 degrees, no rain. We had a wonderful dinner, full of good converstation and a lot of Czech beer (Yum). I had my first weinerschnitzel which I have to admit was quite tastey!

*Yesterday, we travelled to a small town, Etville, about an hour and a half outside of Frankfurt, to visit an old Monastery/Vineyard. Great little place, kind of touristy but is was all very relaxed as we went along our self-guided tour through buildings dating back to the 12th Century. We didn't take the typical vineyard tour but we made sure to taste a few different kinds, none of which were to-die-for but they we all quite yummy. We lingered at the Vineyard, had dinner, drank some more and meandered (read: power-walked) back to town in a losing effort to catch our 8:30 train. We were able to get home at a reasonable hour still and enjoyed a nice talk with our family so we could wish our neice and nephews a very happy 4th birthday!

I will try to post again before I return home.. until then, Ich Habe mich verirrt! (j/k)

Today's song from the shower: I've Seen it All by Bjork and Tom Yorke.

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